Room Occupancy Sensor to Facilitate In-Person Meetings at Workplaces

Room Occupancy Sensor

Face-to-face business interactions are still the most personable way of conducting business dealings. During the pandemic, virtual meetings acted as the saving grace for many organizations but now that businesses have begun slowly resuming their normal activities, in-person meetings at workplaces will need to be facilitated.

How In-Person Meetings will be in today’s Workplaces?

In-person meetings in workplaces have changed and will continue to evolve. We have noticed now:

  • Efficiency and sense of purpose will prevail
  • Office space planning plays a much more vital role in space utilization. 
  • Sufficient spacing between seating is kept to avoid any possibility of Covid spreading.
  • Focus on the observance of strict post-pandemic safety protocols  

Technological Devices to Play Important Role in In-Person Meetings

Two technological devices that assume great importance in in-person meetings include post pandemic:  

Room occupancy sensor and people counter

The powerful sensors can be placed at discreet locations for continuous monitoring of room occupancy. The IoT-linked room occupancy sensor will provide a safe and well-ventilated environment to clients and employees and help ensure social distancing in the workplace.

What does it do? 

  • It senses live space occupancy
  • Provides updates on the occupancy status
  • Tracks usage of space over time to improve upon office space planning

How Does the Room Occupancy Sensor Detect Live Presence?

Passive infrared radiation given off from individuals within a radius of 360 degrees is sensed by the sensor. The moment an individual enters within the purview of the sensor’s vision, it gives information about the live presence.

How will the Occupancy Sensor Facilitate Face-to-face Meetings?

  • Occupancy sensor will help to plan the layout
  • Maximum capacity can be set and monitored for the meeting rooms
  • Alerts are given to cleaning and maintenance staff to disinfect the room after completion of the meeting and prepare the same for the next meeting

On a Concluding Note

In the post-pandemic world, devices like people counter and room occupancy sensor will enable organizations to resume conducting effective and successful face-to-face meetings at their workplaces.


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